Friday, December 3, 2010

Rasicm,Discrimination and Stereotypes

          Skin color, race, and appearance, everyone’s different in their own special way but we should all be treated equally. Doesn’t matter about how we look like, our skin color, what country we are from, this doesn’t make anyone deserve racial discrimination, racist comments and stereotypes. They shouldn’t be attacked by the treacherous and mocking words they hear from other people about them. There are many stereotypes circling the world about people from other countries that are truly wrong and racist. These comments can really hurt people, and makes them not proud about their culture. Everyone should be proud of the country there from, and be proud of who they are. Racism and stereotypes decrease their self esteem and make them feel sad, depressed, ashamed, and even angry to be from the country they are from. These comments, these remarks haunt people for the rest of their lives, people get treated unequally from others just because of their race, and this should be stopped.

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