Dogs, cats, hamsters, bunnies and rats are pets that are love, respected and treated as best friends to their owner’s .Animals are a big part of our society and a big part of our planet. Animals such as dogs and cats comfort and make their owners happy .Some dogs are even brought to hospitals to cheer patients up. Animals have a huge impact on our emotions, when were sad they make us happy, when we need to talk to someone they’re always there to listen. Animals also keep the food chain in our planet alive and healthy. Extinct and endangered animals can have a big impact on our planet. Without all the animals our food chain will collapse, that would make a terrible impact on the environment and even on us. Unfortunately about thirty three animals die world wide because of animal testing.
In 1990-1997 research labs registered with the USDA reported killing at least 12,895,885 dogs, cats, primates, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, bears, armadillos, squirrels and wild rodents ,the number of deaths increase each year. Animal testing is like murder, animals are trapped in cages, tested on by many harmful chemicals and then once the result is recorded they are killed .Most of the time, the results of animal testing is wrong to humans and can affect us massively. There are many other alternatives than to kill animals slowly by testing things on them .Animal testing is torture, its murder, it’s not right.
Great post about friendly animals.We should more careful about animals & wild life to save them.