Hunger, poverty, diseases and illnesses, these are the silent killers of children all around the world. The number of children dying all around the world increases each year, and right now 22,000 children in the world die each day. Many children can’t afford food, and can barely have one meal a day; some children even skip a day of food because of poverty. Some countries are filled with deadly diseases and illnesses, and a lot of these children in these types of countries such as Africa don’t have enough money to get immunization to these illnesses. Many children all around the world, experience the pain and suffering of poverty which can lead them to a terrible life style or even death.
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Poverty has taken away many children’s lives; the children who survived are faced with a terrible lifestyle. Around the world 2.5 billion people lack the access of improved sanitization. 1 billion children are deprived of one or more services essential to survival and development. 148 million under 5 years old in developing regions are underweight for their age. 101 million children are not attending primary school, with more girls than boys missing out22 million infants are not protected from diseases by routine immunization. 8 million children worldwide died before their 5th birthday in 20094 million newborns worldwide are dying in the first month of life. 2 million children fewer than 15 are living with HIV .Poverty is everywhere where it is least expected.

Friday, December 10, 2010
Gay Pride

When gay people and lesbians hold hands in public, dress in a fashion to show that they are gay, people look at them differently. Some people just don’t accept these people in our community, in our world. When gay people turn their backs people make fun about them, say cruel things about them. Gay people are stared at, given dirty looks by others. But it don’t see anything wrong in gay people and lesbians they just are interested in people from the same gender as them, they aren’t out killing people so why are some people making such a big deal out of it? Is there really a problem with people likening someone from the same gender? Gay people are just like you and I, we all have different interests and different perspectives of life but inside we are all equal and should be treated that way. Gay people and lesbians should have the freedom to do whatever they want, to show affection of someone from the same gender, they should have the freedom to dress the way they want to. It may seem different seeing two men holding hands when their walking down the street, but they aren’t hurting anyone, they shouldn’t be made fun of, they should be treated equally as others.

Friday, December 3, 2010
Rasicm,Discrimination and Stereotypes
Skin color, race, and appearance, everyone’s different in their own special way but we should all be treated equally. Doesn’t matter about how we look like, our skin color, what country we are from, this doesn’t make anyone deserve racial discrimination, racist comments and stereotypes. They shouldn’t be attacked by the treacherous and mocking words they hear from other people about them. There are many stereotypes circling the world about people from other countries that are truly wrong and racist. These comments can really hurt people, and makes them not proud about their culture. Everyone should be proud of the country there from, and be proud of who they are. Racism and stereotypes decrease their self esteem and make them feel sad, depressed, ashamed, and even angry to be from the country they are from. These comments, these remarks haunt people for the rest of their lives, people get treated unequally from others just because of their race, and this should be stopped.
Black skin tones, white skin tones, tan skin tones shouldn’t be a problem in the world, there just the color of out skin. People get racist comments, discriminated and are not treated equally every day just by the color of their skin. For example some people look at people with black skin tones funny, staring rudely at them and talking behind their backs. People even tend to become rude when a black person comes up to them to ask them a question. They stare, ignore them or answer them in a rude manner. Some black people even get arrested some times for having a “suspicion” by the police of committing a crime; this is mostly influenced by their color. People with different colored skin tones should not be treated this way and doesn’t deserve in anyway this type of disrespect.
Cruel people like to tell people something about someone that is completely not true, but just thought so because of their skin tone and culture .This is very brutal upon people who are made fun of because of rumors that spread around because of their race, this is called stereotyping. When people look at you and assume that you are for example a criminal, trouble maker, just because your black is totally untrue and unacceptable. These comments can really hurt someone. People get teased, and people are scared of you just because of your skin tone and culture. There are many stereotypes everywhere that are told about certain cultures that are completely not true. For example all Asian have a rice cooker and a karaoke machine, and people tend to refer to Asian people skin tones as “yellow”. White people are apparently not good dancers and have name brand designer clothes, this isn’t true at all. People get hurt about these stereotypes that are heard everywhere, it influences others thoughts about people when it is completely not true.
Why are people discriminated because of their culture? Why do some people believe stereotypes that are completely untrue and apply them to others? Why do people treat others unequally just because of their skin tones? People are hurt, mentally and even physically from hearing lies about them that people tend to think are true. People are people, humans are humans, everyone’s appearance may be different but inside we are all the same. People have to stop discriminating others. People have to stop treating others unequally. People have to stop hurting people by the things they say and do. We can change. We can make a difference out in the world. Everyone is equal and should be treated equally.
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